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We are the farmers...guitarists,
We have our own field
which we have been cultivating
for years ... music.
We are Adam and Marek Mikulski.


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Oficjalna strona Braci Mikulskich


Born on the 6th of December 1971, he began his lessons in guitar as 9 year old at Primary Music School in Opole, in Lucyna Janowska`s class. In 1996 he graduated from Academy of Music in Wrocław, in Tadeusz Wybraniec`s class. In 1994 he became a Minister of Culture and Art scholarship holder.

- 1986r. - Prize-winner of the 10th National Guitar Competition in Strzelce Krajeńskie;
- 1986r. - Prize-winner of the 3rd International Guitar Competition in Kutna Hora (Czech Republic);
- 1991r. - Prize-winner of the 2nd International Promotion Competition "Guitar Talents Stage" in Gdańsk;
- 1993r. - Prize-winner of the 3rd International Promotion Competition "Guitar Talents Stage" in Gdańsk;
- 1994r. - Prize-winner of the 10th International Guitar Competition in Kraków;
- 1995r. Prize-winner of the 11th International Guitar Competition in Kraków;
- 1996r. - Prize-winner of the 6th E. Jurkowski International Guitar Competition in Tychy;
- 1997r. - Grand Prix winner of the 2nd International Chamber Orchestras Competition "Ghitaralia" in Przemyśl (guitar duo with Marek)

As composer, arranger and accompanist he worked together with many poetical and cabaret music artists (3 records with Jarek Wasik "Nastroje" (1995), "Zielony z niebieskim" (1997), "Fabryka nastrojów" (2004). Currently living in Żary.
Since 2009r. President of the Music Association of Żary.
Guitar teacher at Primary Music School in Żary and Primary and Secondary Music School in Żagań. Chief of the guitar and string instruments section.
His students participate on regular basis In national and international gitar competitions (more than 50 prizes In Total up to now).
A number of records with various tunes and various instrumental settings. He plays concerts solo or in duo with his brother Marek, as well as with a quartet "Mikulscy Quartet Będ"

Adam plays on:

- Manuel Contreras 1991;
- Rafał Turkowiak 2010;
- Prudencio Saez 2011;

Rush, noise and stress of our everyday life suddenly disappears, just as you are listening to Adam`s music. This artist has an innate gift - he makes time stand still. With his guitar he creates the unique spirits of reflection and musing. The core of his music is a respect to the tradition, unusual skills, mastery and professionalism....

Janusz Strobel


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