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We are the farmers...guitarists,
We have our own field
which we have been cultivating
for years ... music.
We are Adam and Marek Mikulski.


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Oficjalna strona Braci Mikulskich


Born in Wroclaw (Adam in 1971, Marek in 1974) graduates of Wrocław Academy of Music (Instrumental Faculty, Guitar Class of Tadeusz Wybraniec. In the 90's as soloists they were the prize-winners of the most significant national and international guitar competitions in Poland (15 prizes in total). In 1997 as duet they won Grand Prix of the International Festival of Chamber Music "Ghitaralia" in Przemyśl. Since then, the duo has had a lot of successful concerts both in Poland and abroad.

Their repertory covers the music of the most famous music masters as well as their own compositions. Art of combining the classic music with world-wide known tunes and humour became their distinguishing mark and made them a lot of loving fans.

For many years as composers, arrangers or accompanists, they worked together with various recognised poetical and cabaret music artists (Jarek Wasik, Magda Turowska, Grupa Bez Nas Wy.
This cooperation have brought four bestselling CD records.

Furthermore their experience shows:

- Marek's 3 solo CD records with the music of Mirosław Drożdżowski (modern guitar composer).
- Adam's solo CD record "Subiektywnie" with 19 th and 20th century walzes and ballads.
- One common CD record "Adam i Marek Mikulscy - Guitar Duo" with romantic and modern music (J. Brahms, S. Joplin, A. M. Mikulski).
- Released on the turn of 2006/2007 CD record "Mik-s", recorded as quartet "Mikulscy Quartet Będ" solely with their own tunes.

Today, apart from their regular concerts and performances, they focus on the classic guitar music popularisation through their educational activities, sharing their huge experience with many new adepts and students. They contribute in organization of many great guitar competitions and festivals in Poland.


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